River Roch Bury

River Roch Bury

Location:River Roch Farmers Field <half a circle > in between A58/m66 Motorway and Water Fold Lane

This is by appointment only and only for full members. Please send a message by text to the Chairman of Little Britain Anglers 07932304308 asking for approval the day before.

Due to the conditions of our lease agreement, all full members must only use the river banking and no crossing over the field. Also no parking along or in front of the gate access at any time 24 hour assess is needed by the farmer.

Known Species

  • Roach
  • Chub
  • Trout

Special Conditions
*PLEASE SEE ABOVE. You must hold a valid EA Rod Licence and either a club membership or valid Day Ticket.

Parking: Please park were you are not going to cause any unrest as any bad feed back in regards to a member will result in expulsion from our club. Permits must be shown at all times when on our waters.

————————————————————————————————————————————————DATED 2022
To fish the waters at River Roach, Heap Bridge, Bury
Council Solicitor
Bury Council
Town Hall
Knowsley Street
Andy Carlile 14 Jul 2022 08:22:44 BST (UTC +1)
VirtualSignature Transaction Ref. QQ8L-23MW-XUZD 14 Jul 2022 08:22:46 BST (UTC +1) D 1/1 P 1/10
THIS LICENCE is made the day of 2022 BETWEEN
OSW (hereinafter called “the Council”) of the one part and Little Britain
Angling Society (hereinafter called “the Licensee”) of the other part.
WITNESSETH as follows:
1 In consideration of the yearly licence fee and the Licences
undertakings hereinafter set out the Council hereby grants to Little
Britain Angling Society sole and full rights and liberty to fish on those
banks or parts of banks of the River Roach at Heap Bridge, Bury,
indicated by red lines on Plan One annexed hereto (hereinafter called
“the fishery”)
2 This Licence shall commence on the day of 2022
for a period of seven years or until the Licence is determined as
hereinafter provided.
3 The Licensee hereby covenant with the Council as follows:
(a) To pay to the Council a licence fee one peppercorn if demanded on the
signing of this licence and thereafter a fee one peppercorn if demanded
on the anniversary of this date during the continuance of this licence
until the year 2029.
(b)To observe and perform the provisions and stipulations contained in
THE SCHEDULE attached hereto.
4 This Agreement is to operate as a Licence only and not as a demise
and is not to confer any legal estate or interest in the river.
5 If at any time the whole or any part of the Licence fee shall remain
unpaid after becoming due or if there shall be any breach of the
VirtualSignature Transaction Ref. QQ8L-23MW-XUZD 14 Jul 2022 08:22:46 BST (UTC +1) D 1/1 P 2/10
Licensee current provision and stipulations herein contained then the
Council may serve on the Licensee notice in writing specifying the
breach and if the Licensee fail to remedy the breach within fourteen
days after the service of such notice then the Council may determine
this Licence by giving to the Licensee one month’s notice in writing
expiring at any time.
6 This Licence may be determined by either party giving to the other two
months notice in writing expiring at any time.
7 It is agreed that any notice herein before required to be served by the
Council shall be served by being sent by post to the last known
address of the Licensees and any notice similarly required to be served
by the Licensee shall be served by being addressed to the Council
Solicitor the time being of the Council and sent by post to the Council
Solicitor Bury Council Town Hall Knowsley Street Bury BL9 OSW.
8 For the avoidance of doubt it is declared that the Council has the right
to monitor the use of the waters to its employees agents and servants
access and inspection to be enjoyed at any time.
1. To protect and preserve the fish in the fishery including spawn and
young fish and to stock the fishery with fish and maintain such supply
of fish to the satisfaction of the Council.
2. To exercise the said rights and liberties properly and in a
sportsmanlike manner by fair rod and line angling but not at any time
between the hours of 11.00 pm and 5.00 am without the prior consent
of the Council.
3. To return all fish caught to the water unless prior written consent to
the contrary is obtained from the Council.
VirtualSignature Transaction Ref. QQ8L-23MW-XUZD 14 Jul 2022 08:22:47 BST (UTC +1) D 1/1 P 3/10
4. Not without the written consent of the Council to capture or attempt to
capture or permit the capture of fish by netting.
5. To keep the said banks of the fishery free from litter and not to
dispose of bait in the fishery.
6. To gain access to and egress from the fishery on foot only by means
of the formal path network laid out on the adjoining land the express
permission of the Council to be obtained prior to gaining access to
and egress from the fishery by vehicular means.
7. That all children under the age of 12 shall be accompanied by an
adult when fishing.
8. Not to assign underlet or transfer the rights or privileges hereby
granted or any part thereof.
9. Not to construct or alter any banks or remove any vegetation without
the prior written consent of the Council.
10.Not to fish during any close season or seasons as determined by the
Environment Agency.
11.Not to interfere with or attempt to suppress any approved recreational
activity properly enjoyed on the fishery or the land adjoining the same
whether or not owned by the Council.
12.The Licensee will pay all rates taxes assessments and outgoings
arising from the permitted use as hereinbefore provided.
13.To provide day tickets and weekly tickets which must be made
available on site or be readily available at agreed locations off site to
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all anglers subject to their compliance with club rules and rates for
such tickets to be agreed with the Council.
14.The Licensee will at their own expense erect a sign in a prominent
location displaying details of where weekly and daily tickets can be
obtained and contact information for the society. The design and
location of the sign to be approved by the Council.
15.To allow concessions on any tickets sold to persons aged under 16
years, over 65 years and registered disabled.
16.To afford free guest access to members of other Council nominated
angling clubs who hold licences from the Council on Council owned
stretches of the River Irwell and River Roch for the purpose of
allowing their members to fish the waters without charge as part of a
reciprocal arrangement with the other clubs. For the avoidance of
doubt guest access is only available to members who have taken out
an annual club membership. It is not available to holders of day
tickets or weekly tickets. The fisheries at Close Park and Springwater
Park are not included in this arrangement.
17.Members who fish other clubs waters as guests under the reciprocal
arrangement in Clause 16 above must conform to both their own club
rules and those of the host club. In the event of a dispute the host
club rules take precedence. In addition the guest member must
inform the host club by email, telephone, text or in person prior to
them starting to fish.
18.Members who fish other clubs waters as guests under the reciprocal
arrangement in Clause 16 above must carry an identity card issued
by their club at all times. The identity card must have a recent
passport type colour photograph and the name address and date of
birth of the member and contact details for the club that they are a
member of.
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19.To provide details of water management provision for litter and debris
removal and disposal and control of plant growth to the satisfaction of
the Council.
20.To provide an annual programme of works for the control of Giant
Hogweed and Japanese Knotweed plants growing within 5 meters of
the edge of the water.
21.To provide an annual programme of improvement works and
promotional activities relating to the fishery to the satisfaction of the
22.To be responsible for stocking the water in accordance with a
scheme to be agreed and approved by the Environment Agency and
to provide details and proof of such scheme to the Council upon
23.To provide a bailfing service to the satisfaction of the Council to all
the waters marked in red on Plan One and inform the Council of any
poaching vandalism or damage to the river and its surroundings.
24.To permit fishing only in the waters marked in red on Plan One
25.Not to permit livebating.
26.Not to permit spinning without the prior consent of the Council.
27.Only microbarbed hooks are permitted. Microbarbed wet and dry flyfishing lures are permitted.
28.Not to permit the use of barbed hooks, multiple hooks or artificial
lures without the prior consent of the Council.
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29.To insure and keep insured during the continuance of this Licence
against any third party claim arising from the exercise of the rights
and liberties hereby authorised and not to commence fishing until
such policy of insurance has been produced to and approved by the
Council. Minimum £5million per occurrence and the Council to be
named as a principal on the policy.
30.To produce a copy of the insurance referred to in Clause 29 above to
the Council on the anniversary of the date hereof.
31.To indemnify the Council against any claim whatsoever which may
arise as a result of the exercise of the said rights and liberties under
this Licence by the Licencee.
32.To produce a copy of the Society’s audited annual accounts on the
anniversary of the licence if requested to do so by the Council.
33.To register Little Britain Angling Society with the Angling Trust
Fishmark scheme within three months of the commencement of the
34.To have a complaints resolution procedure in place.
VirtualSignature Transaction Ref. QQ8L-23MW-XUZD 14 Jul 2022 08:22:48 BST (UTC +1) D 1/1 P 7/10
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed this Licence the day and
year first before written
Signed for and on behalf of
Signed by the said and ………………………………
on behalf of Little Britain Angling Society ……………………………….

In the presence of